21 Dec 2018, what a year!
When looking back on 2018, I only need one word to describe the feeling it has left in me: gratitude. This absolutely has to be my word of the year! Extraordinary encounters and experiences have inspired me throughout the year and have also enriched me personally. So many good things have happened!
In February, I made a wish come true and Sista Relocation was founded. This is something I had wanted for a long time, but things didn’t get off to the easiest start when, just two months later, I suffered a complicated elbow fracture after a fall and was put out of action for a significant period. Despite this setback, I never lost sight of my goal and was able to continue my work after the rehabilitation process.
An exceptionally friendly summer brought a lot of creative energy and some good jobs. Sista grew, slowly but steadily!
This positive year was topped off a few days ago by the head of the Upper Austrian Business Federation (Wirtschaftsbund), Mag. Doris Hummer, who announced that the amendments to the Rot-Weiß-Rot – Karte (required for immigrants moving from non-EU countries to work in Austria) would come into force on 01/01/2019. This is very good news for the Austrian industry, which has been suffering from a shortage of skilled workers for several years. It is also pleasant to hear for relocation managers! I would like to go into this topic in more detail, as well as the growing list of understaffed professions, in the next blogpost.
I would now like to express my special thanks to my angels who have supported me and my company this year in all manner of ways, from good advice to energetic assistance, for being there for me in the right place and at the right time. The lone warriors Inge and Christina, my silent helpers Uwe, Miguel, William, Gisela, Sabine, Elke, Gerd, and you, dear Nesiba: thank you all for your support.
And, of course, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my clients and express my gratitude to you for making my work so easy. It has been great fun! It is a wonderful feeling to have helped you make a good start to your life in Austria.
And last but not least, I am grateful to my dog Buddy for his kindness and patience, as he did not hold it against me for not spending as much time with him as I should have done.
Sista Relocation would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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