31 Mar Changing corporate culture
A corporate culture describes a common pattern of thinking and acting within a company. Values and symbols are the basis of a unified culture, shape decisions, form relationships and are fundamental to the successful realisation of goals. In times of international employees and working hours at home, communicating a common culture is becoming increasingly important.
Forced adaptation
Every organisation must adapt to internal as well as external factors to achieve success. A change in corporate culture is complex as it relates to the whole internal structure between employees, leadership, and external relationships. The Corona Pandemic is a great example of how small, but also large companies can score with flexibility. The faster change is perceived, and changes are made, the more competitive you are in the market. Without a doubt, it can be easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to communicate with employees. However, one should not underestimate that large, experienced corporations develop their own systems and strategies. Competition is growing and so is the importance of a cultural concept.
Increasing importance
When the executive board and its managers realise that there is a lack of unified leadership, they have to work on a common corporate culture. In the change of digitalisation and globalisation, obstacles such as time differences, technical conflicts and language differences stand in the way. The need for information and communication is increasing in order to pursue the same values and goals. The larger an organisation becomes, the faster one can lose the overview and control over one’s staff. Therefore, tasks and responsibilities should be divided. Nowadays, a strict hierarchy is no longer necessary for this. The culture has changed to the point where employees may be allowed to be on first-name terms with managers and to contribute their ideas. This reduces tensions and conflicts between the employees. Strong cohesion and long-term success are the result, not only in terms of motivated teams, but also in increasing customer satisfaction and better sales figures.
Any change means planning and requires a unified mindset to implement. A cultural adaptation to the current time takes time and patience but will lead to positive consequences.
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