25 Jan Digital Consulting
Consulting means communication. No support works without contact and trust. The pandemic has put obstacles in the communication channels of all sectors. Digitalisation is more important than ever. True to its word, the net connects people and creates an imaginary closeness. This connection makes the crisis more bearable not only on a professional but also on a private level. The rapid rise of social media has also shown that connectivity is less a technology-driven process and more a social one. Digitalisation unites people in all areas, whether in society, culture or politics.
Video conferencing can optimise productivity. Especially in national and international dimensions, digital contact offers great enrichment. Long business trips are no longer necessary, meetings with lengthy conversations are avoided.
Time is one of the most valuable commodities in the working world. All possibilities to reduce stress should be used. Telecommunication makes it possible to overcome time differences, to plan projects in parallel and to reduce delays. Delays due to technical problems should still be taken into account, but the industry is undergoing immense change.
Another advantage is the effective use of resources. Meeting rooms or entire office facilities are saved. According to Statista, over 50% of all employees in Austria were working from home in spring 2020. In comparison, before the crisis this number amounted to only 2%. After procuring the equipment for an efficient home office for the first time, long-term benefits ought to be possible.
Sista Relocation focuses on equal communication. Regular contact has become even more important in times of online meetings. Facial expressions and gestures, which counteract misunderstandings, are transmitted via the screen in an impaired manner. As globalisation is a major focus in our sector, digitalisation has always been an important factor. The first contact is mostly via the internet. All work processes involving emails, filling out online forms, or housing enquiries are done via computer. Tenants and landlords are also more digitally connected. The pandemic has digitised formal processes in our favour. Technologies such as virtual flat inspections, smart meters, heat and water consumption records are becoming a reality. It remains exciting to see what the future holds, but we will stay loyal to our customers, no matter what.
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